Thursday, April 12, 2012

Boy oh boy

My little boys are so darned much fun.  They are a constantly changing bunch of surprises.  Having raised boys, I thought I'd seen in all.  But the mind plays tricks and luckily makes it possible to forget!  In the meantime, my grandsons are cracking me up:

Brady was in trouble and had to sit on the Time Out bench.  Doesn't he look miserable?

This is Jude, 6:00 a.m., complete with backpack and binoculars, checking to see if Ada is awake yet. 

When Drew spots a puddle there's no stopping until we can get IN it.  I have to admit I'm a sucker for puddles, as well -

Brady wanted his picture taken while going in reverse on the little 4-wheeler.  He explained later that he can't go backwards AND smile at the same time:)

Happiness is one puddle, two boys, two sticks.  Nuff said.

BUG!!!  I love this picture.

Jude can go backward, forward and through the daffodils while smiling!

Yesterday there were 2 ladybugs swimming in my coffee.  There was also one little guilty face peeking out from behind the chair.  I provided the expected response, but truly, there's nothing like a couple of little arachnids (?) to give you a morning kicker. 

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