Ada, the queen of everything, strikes a pose and declares that it is finally Christmas Eve and let the games begin!
One unhappy Drew face is soothed by a whole plate of beautiful cookies
And what is Christmas without a rousing game of "dead in the water"??
Or a walk up the hill? Overtaking from behind in a flying stride is superhero Jude!
Drew and Ada leading the group
Brady had my camera for awhile and got some good shots......this one of the TV,
a great picture of his dad and sleeping brother,
and the best picture of me anyone has seen in a long, long time:)
And then, a few days later, the Miller Family Christmas party! This is Julie and Justus reading the cautionary notes on the new flying machine.
My brother John and his wife, Linda. We call her the Miller Miracle.
Uncle Jon Englund reading a story to Brady. Precious picture.
And Uncle Jon demonstrating for Drew the correct technique for launching the new flying machine
Andy recovering new flying machine from very high spot
This is my sister-in-law, my sister, and my daughter-in-law. A dangerous combination:)
Speaking of dangerous combinations......
Linda and son, Craig, snuggled up together.
Payton, terrorizing the little boys
Andy handing out a lucky number to Haley for the book exchange
Drew, reading one of the Harvard Classics.....
Missing from all these pictures of the Miller Christmas are Ben, Linden, Ada and Jude who jetted off to Florida the day after Christmas. So while we were partying and freezing, they were partying and sunning themselves. We missed them at this event because they always bring a lot of fun to the table.
So Christmas 2013 is a wrap. Today is Monday, January 13th and the last of the trappings and trimmings were finally packed away into the attic where they will live for another year. Whereas all the holiday activities seem like a bit much sometimes, we take a deep breath and pause to reflect on the real reason for the season and our collective good fortune. Families are a combination of all parts, making up the whole. And a good family clings together, like snowflakes.
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