Sunday, May 15, 2011

Two months later......

Meet Brady. When I thought my heart was totally filled up with my first grandbaby, it magically expanded to accommodate the next one.

I love this photo of my baby boy holding his baby boy.

Brady was the most beautiful infant. His mother and I were forever conjuring up plans to get him an agent so he could appear in box office hits, or at least model the latest infant wear in a Target ad:) Always smiling and cooing, this baby had me at hello.

I've always thought it was Brady's fault that I retired early from a job I loved to spend time with the grandchildren. Judey's parents were very eager, I mean generous, in their sharing of baby time with me. But I didn't get to see as much of Brady (busy family, busy lives). Consequently, I would find myself in meetings thinking about him! This is when the early retirement seed began to grow. In the meantime I resorted to trickery in order to see him and hold him. For instance, I would never visit without forgetting something critical when I left (glasses, camera, cell phone, etc.) This necessitated a return trip, get it? Actually, I didn't really do it on purpose, but looking back, I'm thinking it was my devious dark side at work.
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